Thursday, October 17, 2013

We are still here!

Well, it’s been a while!! Please excuse my absence from the blog but I’ve been a little busy! We’ve had a hectic couple of months, we moved into our newly renovated home at the end of February, very quickly unpacked and got settled and then we welcomed our little man Wyatt Douglas Loflin on March 19th. We had some complications towards the end of the pregnancy so we were induced a week early. Since I am finally getting into the swing of things I decided it was time to return to blogging, I will be updating more often now that we finally have internet at home! (YAY)

Some topics I want to post on:
The Nursery Reveal; since we moved and I never showed it finished!
Our labor story
What actually went into our hospital bag
Nursery Organization
Cloth diapering and how it’s working for us, as well as caring and organizing your diaper stash
Our favorite baby products, I’d like to make a series of these as he grows and his needs change!
DIY galore - Crafts, more furniture updates.. I have a lot of ideas!
As well as general updates about life with Wyatt!

If there is anything I’m missing and you want to hear about let me know in the comment section!

I will try to be around more often!
Thanks for sticking around!